(Français) Bon cadeau en canyoning, via-ferrata et escalade
Personalized gift voucher for canyoning, via-ferrata and climbing
In this period of confinement due to COVID-19, we must be patient in the face of the beautiful days that are beginning to arrive. Indeed, the time change has already taken place and our days have lengthened considerably. What a frustration not to be able to take advantage of the surroundings of Montpellier! In the meantime, deconfinement, it is always possible to prepare it.
You will surely be pleased by offering a canyoning or via-ferrata gift voucher near Montpellier. It is also possible to contact us to organize a field trip to Montpellier. You will be accompanied by one of our professional instructors and state graduates. The appointment is given on site for the meeting with the guide and the equipment. Once the presentations are made and the equipment is finished, you will be ready to go canyoning, via ferrata or climbing.
This COVID-19 crisis is a very special situation for all of us. However, this should only be temporary, and if everyone at their level can participate in the collective effort (if only by avoiding frequent contact), this situation should be overcome by the end of the day, to take advantage of what nature can bring us again. And in Hérault and Gard, these outdoor activities abound.
Our Entre2nature structure offers you to discover an aerial aspect with our via-ferrata or climbing trips in Hérault and the Gard, and a rather aquatic aspect with canyoning or aquatic hiking trips. These outings take place throughout Occitania in Hérault, Gard, Lozère, Haut Languedoc Natural Park and Cévennes National Park.
Operation of gift vouchers:
These personalized gift vouchers are to be personalized and valid for one year. These are to be printed in order to be offered to the person (s) of your choice. To have it sent to you, simply contact us by email, telephone or via our contact form. It will be necessary to specify your name, that of the beneficiary (ies), and therefore the number of participants as well as the outdoor sports activity chosen.
Once the gift voucher in canyoning or via-ferrata has been received, participants will need to contact us, so that we can agree on a date for this outing. Different gift vouchers can be sent to you depending on whether you have chosen canyoning, via-ferrata, climbing or hiking-abseiling. If you would like more information, please send us an email or contact us by phone.
Canyoning gift voucher
This gift voucher will allow the beneficiary (ies) to participate in one of our canyoning or aquatic hiking trips in Hérault, Gard. Although our aquatic activities are rather around Montpellier, they can extend far beyond the departments of Hérault and Gard throughout the Occitania region.
One of our flagship activities happens to be the Devil’s Canyon near Montpellier in Saint-Guilhem le Désert. This canyon, which is similar to an aquatic hike, is practiced in the Hérault gorges. What could be more normal when one is around Montpellier. This canyon is made for all participants from the novice to the experienced one (but for those we also have sensation canyons). Indeed, all the canyon workshops are bypassable. You will find 2 abseiling runs of 8 and 18 meters (possibility of descending through the instructor), a zip line and many jumps up to 9 meters. But as said before, all obstacles are bypassable, and if you just want to enjoy the ride and the accompaniment of your loved ones, it will be possible to let yourself float with the flow of the current in the Hérault gorges.
In the discovery canyon, it is also possible to offer the Soucy canyon in the Gard near Anduze. A little further away than the Devil’s canyon, it is more suitable for practitioners located near Nîmes or Alès. At the gates of the Cévennes, this aquatic canyon will take you on a first discovery of the Cévennes. You will find in this canyon all the workshops which make the practice of canyoning fun. Very interesting in May, it becomes very aquatic and it is better to be comfortable in the water. During this period, the canyon is rather intended for people who are not sedentary and rather at ease in sport. However, the more we advance in the season, the more the water flows allow a practice of discovery. Indeed, from June – July, this canyon is for everyone, because all the workshops then become bypassable. A beautiful splash zip line closes this discovery canyon.
For those who want more sensations, it is possible to offer the Tapoul canyon in Lozère. For this canyon, a total discovery of the Cévennes awaits you. Indeed, it is located in the heart of the Cévennes national park. To get there, whatever your origin, it will be necessary to travel the many roads through green landscapes composed of many chestnut trees (depending on where you pass), and granite rocks, schistic, see dolomitic (if you are on the Tarn side to join us). This canyon compiles all the activities found in canyoning: jumps up to 10 meters, abseiling, whitewater swimming, zip line splash, passages in siphons … In short, this canyon considered as one of the pearls of Cévennes, is to be discovered for those who are in search of strong sensations.
Many other canyons around Montpellier are to do. Visit our canyon page to discover them.
Gift voucher in via ferrata
Our gift vouchers can also be offered for a more aerial outdoor activity, the via-ferrata. For those who do not know, this sport is akin to tree climbing on the cliff. This definition is very generalized and simply represents the activity. It is a question of progressing along a cliff, whether vertically, obliquely or horizontally secured on a wire rope (in the manner of tree climbing parks). To facilitate this progression, because not everyone is a fan of climbing, metal bars have been installed in the most difficult places. The placement of these bars can obviously influence the rating of the via-ferrata. To make the route a little more fun, many other workshops decorate the via-ferrata. These differ depending on the vias, but basically you will find passages on monkey bridge or Nepalese bridge (cable stretched between 2 cliffs to cross), zip lines more or less long, passages in net, passages in narrow or in chimneys, abseiling and other pendulum jumps …
To make a brief description of the via-ferrata that we offer, we can mention the via-ferrata of Thaurac near Montpellier. This is located next to the Demoiselles cave in Saint-Bauzille de Putois. This course is one of those we often offer because it is very varied and atypical. In addition, a lot of obstacles can be overcome so that everyone can finish the route with everyone until the end. There are 2 passages in monkey bridge, a zip line, abseiling, many underground passages or chimneys, and of course the inevitable pendulum jump which closes the end of this via-ferrata. Once the activity is over, you will be able to picnic near the Demoiselles cave and visit it, or take the direction of the river to go swimming in the Hérault surrounded by the cliffs of Thaurac.
For those who are more on the Nîmes side, it is possible to consider the Vidourle via ferrata in the Gard. It is located in Saint-Sériès, near Lunel and is practiced above the Vidourle river. Shorter than that of Thaurac, it is however a little more arm. That is to say that it is aimed at people a little more comfortable with traveling on the cliff. However, it remains very accessible on condition that the cow is well controlled (rest system comprising the necessary via-ferrata material), in order to rest by hanging in his harness, rather than staying on his arms. You will find there a beautiful technical crossing between bars and rock for your footing, a zip line of more than 30 meters above the water, a monkey bridge and 2 courses of different difficulties with an extremely difficult climb. To be reserved for the more athletic and those who are comfortable with the height.
You can find all the via-ferratas near Montpellier that we offer on our via-ferrata internet page.
Climbing gift voucher
And for rock purists, it is possible to offer you climbing trips. There, no more metal bars or monkey bridges and other bridges to help you progress. Here it is a vertical progression with direct contact with the rock with your hands and feet. The surroundings of Montpellier are full of diverse and varied spots. A 45-minute drive away, you will find many climbing spots such as the Thaurac cliff, the Saint-Bauzille de Montmel cliff, the Embruscalles cliff, the Joncas cliff, the Vissou peak cliff and many others … Even if the region is rather made up of limestone cliffs, it is also possible to find other rock profiles as in the Haut Languedoc Natural Park and more precisely in Caroux with its metamorphic rocks and gneiss. If you prefer granite, you can go to the Cévennes and if you push up to the Tarn, you will find dolomite there with its many holes (a rather special limestone). In short, you will understand, there is plenty to do in the region.
For those who have never practiced, it is possible to supervise you during one of our discovery climbing outings. These sessions allow everyone to progress according to their level and their apprehensions. You will discover new sensations and a cohesion that occurs naturally between the climber and his insurer. It will be possible to progress in a reel (configuration where the rope is already in place at the top) or in the header (that is to say that it is up to the climber to take the rope up, gradually securing along belay points). Many profiles are to be discovered as vertical walls, in slab profile, or rather in overflow profile. Many types of grips will have to be explored in order to progress: horizontal or vertical grips, in reverse, on crimps, on large grips …
For those who already have some notions in climbing and who wish to take more heights, it is possible to supervise you accompanied by an instructor in a great climbing route. Around Montpellier, there are large routes up to 200 meters high as behind the village of Saint-Guilhem le Désert. For walls a little lower and considered essential in Hérault, there is the Hortus cliff with its 100 meters or the cliff of Saint-Jean de Buèges. In short, even on long climbing routes there is plenty to do.
Here, this is only a summary of the outdoor activities in Hérault and Gard that we offer. If you want to see more, and see more photos and videos, to better represent the activities, you can go to the website. Join us with our feet in the water and our heads in the clouds.