Via-ferrata of Thaurac is closed until 30 November
Autumnal closure of the via-ferrata of Thaurac, hiking trails and climbing routes in the commune of Saint-Bauzille de Putois, until 30 November 2017.
This is to secure the cliffs of Thaurac, by purges.
The road leading to the cave of the Demoiselles will be placed in two directions on the upper part.
Source: prefectoral decree of 11 September 2017: http://www.saintbauzilledeputois.fr/THAURAC-interdiction-Via-Ferrata-sentiers-de-randonnees-voies-d-escalade-et
A good reason to discover the Via-Ferrata of Vidourle, near Saint-Sériès, between Montpellier and Nîmes.