End of canyoning 2017
That’s it, with the fall in temperatures in recent weeks near Montpellier, we can say straight that the 2017 canyoning season is over.
We will have to wait until mid-April 2018, in order to take advantage of the canyons around Montpellier (and many others).
At the beginning of the 2019 season, the canyons that we will be able to offer in dicovery canyon will be the Soucy canyon and the Grand Rec canyon. For the Devil’s Canyon, it will be necessary to wait for the end of May, in order to benefit from the river of the Hérault. Indeed, before, there is too much water to practice the canyoning activity.
For adventure canyons, the ideal is to browse the waterfalls of Orgon, because it is at the beginning of the year, there is the most water, in order to make the most of the ejectable toboggan. For the canyon of Tapoul, it will be necessary to await its official re-opening, the 1 of May.
So for the aquatic activity addicts, we will have to wait this winter and go into hibernation, the time that temperatures become more lenient. Do not hesitate to join us near Montpellier in the Hérault.